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Scoil Naomh Áine, Dublin 22

Rebedding our wormery

20th Jun 2023

We knew it was time to rebed our wormery because:
- most of the bedding has turned into worm cast or vermicompost.
- you can no longer see much paper or leaves and it was dark brown and crumbly.
- At this point, the worms are living mostly in their own poop and they don’t like it much.

Step 1: We moved all the old bedding to one side using a flat spade.

Step 2: We thoroughly mixed about 3-4 large bags of leaves with 1 bag of shredded paper and then soaked it in water.

Step 3: We then placed the soaked bedding into the empty half of the wormery.

Step 4: We added garden soil (about half a caddy). Don't add l compost from garden centre or potting soil as the worms don't like it.

Step 5: We filled the wormery to the top with new bedding.

Step 6: We fed the worms. We placed the food scraps at the left of the new bedding just beside the old bedding so the worms will move over.

Step 7: We covered up the new bedding with newspaper. We poured a little sprinkle of water on it to make sure it was damp. The worms will be fed every week in the new bedding.