Access Keys:

Scoil Naomh Áine, Dublin 22

Tour of Scoil Aine

We are very lucky to have a green space for the children to play on.  We feed the birds and plant flowers & vegetables!  

Our soft surface was part-funded by our parents and children.  We have a Buddy Bench - if you're feeling lonely, one of our Cairde sa Chlós will cheer you up.  We currently have sixteen nationalities in our school; we are very proud of our diversity.


“We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now."  Martin Luther King, Jr

“It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.”
Maya Angelou


Our Senior Building has a wonderful view of our green space.  Lucky Rooms 9, 10 & 11!  

We are a very hard-working bunch in Scoil Áine.  We love to display our work.

We celebrate our Daltaí na Seachtaine (Pupils of the Week) every Friday.

We also congratulate pupils who have been using Lámh, a communication tool, every Friday - have a look at our Lámh page! 


A Tour of Scoil Áine

Our soft surface was part-funded by our parents and children.
Our soft surface was part-funded by our parents and children.
Have a seat on the Buddy Bench!  If you're feeling lonely one of our Cairde sa Chlós will cheer you up.
Have a seat on the Buddy Bench! If you're feeling lonely one of our Cairde sa Chlós will cheer you up.
We currently have sixteen nationalities in our school.  We are very proud of our diversity.
We currently have sixteen nationalities in our school. We are very proud of our diversity.
Our Senior Building has a wonderful view of our green space.
Our Senior Building has a wonderful view of our green space.
We are a very hard-working bunch in Scoil Áine. We love to display or work.
We are a very hard-working bunch in Scoil Áine. We love to display or work.